
Coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics
Coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics

coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics

– Tension-filled electronic interlude provides quiet build-up to “Every Teardrop.”ħ. “Through chaos as it swirls, it’s us against the world.”Ħ. Us Against The World – Mellowing out with acoustic ballad, finally feeling that this album is about battling dystopia with love. Oriental flair recalls “Viva La Vida” album.ĥ. Chorus riff will haunt every corner of your mind. Charlie Brown – Third massive anthem in a row and album’s best track.

coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics

Paradise – Second single “Paradise” has it all: sweeping strings, dope beats, plenty of falsetto, plus singalongs and hand claps recorded right into it. Toe-tapping beat meets spazzy guitar solo. Hurts Like Heaven – Coldplay pulls off atmospheric anthem in a way that makes it seem too easy. Mylo Xyloto – 43-second childlike xylophone intro bleep-bloops right into “Hurts Like Heaven” as if it’s part of the track.Ģ. The best tweets will be posted on in the coming days.ġ. You be the judge: What do you think of Coldplay’s “Mylo Xyloto” album? Tweet us your own review at (using hashtag #bbcoldplay). So which songs on “Mylo Xyloto” rank among Coldplay’s best? Here’s our Twitter-length track-by-track review of each song. envisioned an artful concept for the album - not surprisingly, an “us against the world” love story about characters named Mylo and Xyloto, filled with Arcade Fire-esque rebellion against “The Man.” Pepper in political inspiration via New York graffiti culture of the 1970s (obvious in the cover art) and the student-led Nazi-resistance movement known as White Rose, both of which Martin has said influenced him on “Mylo Xyloto.” As they have in the past, Chris Martin and co. While some may, in hindsight, herald “ Mylo Xyloto” as Coldplay’s big “pop” record, the stunning 14-track album is far from a collection of singles.

Coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics